1837. de Beer’s and Mädler’s Mappa Selenographica

As a work lasting four years in the making from observations and written statements, the map published by German astronomers Wilhelm Beer (1797-1850) and Johann Mädler (1794-1874) in 1837, marked their period and out shadowed Schmidt and Löhrmann.

Beer’s and Mädler’s map, having a larger dimension (from one meter in diameter) and divided in four sections, takes note of the scales with a great exactitude and introduces a novelty in the nomenclature: it is located at the craters’ proximity with specific names. The millions of secondary craters are mapped under letters.

This map is part of a book available at the Observatoire de Paris. Published in 1837, Der Mond nach seinen kosmischen und individuellen Verhältnissen uncovers all the knowledge on the terrestrial satellite.

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