1747. Melchior dalla Briga’s map, a summary of a previous century

Melchior dalla Briga (1686-1749), a Jesuit and an Italian astronomer, publish in 1747 his Scientia eclipsium, which figures a map of the Moon that is particularly representative of former cartographies that dominates selenography. Dalla Briga is inspired by Hevelius and Riccioli, but without attaining the formal and scientific quality of these two predecessors. There is a surprising detail on the map: three named stars « Tres SS. Reges Magi », which stands for the three “Wise Men”. It will disappear from ulterior maps, as well their associated names.

Melchiore dalla Briga, Scientia eclipsium ex imperio..., 1757.

The adapted maps from Hevelius, Riccioli and Cassini are multiplying in great number with some mistakes and approximations, making them different from their copies and original source.

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