Cincinnati Observatory : Transit Room (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Dwellings while constructing the Observatory [?] (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Distant General View, east side Observatory (titre original)
Lick Observatory : General View of Observatory, Peak and Buildings (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Rear (titre original)
Lick Observatory : vue générale (titre forgé)
Lick Observatory Views (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views [cercle méridien]. (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Smith Creek Station [?] (titre original)
Sydney Observatory : Two-pendulum chronograph (titre original)
Sydney Observatory : Four-pendulum chronograph (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Central Roof, Vane and Anemometer (titre original)
The Great Equatorial Telescope of Lick Observatory (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : route du Mont Hamilton [?] (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : près du sommet du Mont Hamilton [?] (titre original)
Lick Observatory : la grande coupole en construction. (titre forgé)
Lick Observatory : Great Dome, Western Front (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Eastward from Smith Creek (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Lick Avenue, A Bit of Landscape (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Interior Vestibule, Main Entrance Hall (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Meridian Circle and Transit Houses (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Meridian Circle and Transit Houses (titre original)
Sydney Observatory, 7 ½ inch Equatorial [photographed before erection in dome] (titre original)
Harvard Mining School. Plat of the Observatory Grounds of Harvard University, surveyed October 1869 (titre original)
Double Slide Plate-holder [Leander Mac Cormick Observatory, University of Virginia, 1921] (titre original)
Lick Observatory, North End Dome [12 inch Telescope] (titre original)
Lick Observatory, Cal. : the great 36-inch telescope (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Elevating Floor of Great Dome [view beneath] (titre original)
Across the Hills and Valleys west of Mt. Hamilton [Lick Observatory] (titre original)
Sydney Observatory : 11 ½ inch equatorial [photographed before erection in dome] (titre original)
Sydney Observatory : 7 ½ inch equatorial [photographed before erection in dome] (titre original)
Lick Observatory : vue intérieure de la grande coupole avant la pose de l’équatorial (titre forgé)
Lick Observatory Views : Lick Avenue at Junction House, 5 miles from San Jose (titre original)
Lick Observatory : “Crown Diamonds”, the great 36-inch objective lenses (titre original)
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington. Motor-driven impersonal micrometer of 6-inch [15 cm.] transit circle (titre original)
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington. Armature and field magnets of two-phase synchronous motor which drives micrometer (titre original)
Lick Observatory, Cal. : the Star Spectroscope made by J. A. Brashear, Allegheny, Pa. from designs by James E. Keeler (titre original)
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington. Auxiliary apparatus, consisting of motor-generator with adjustable speed control and phase shifter, which supplies current for the synchronous motor (titre original)
Photographs of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 19th, 1887, taken at Yomeiji-yama, Echigo, Japan, by M. Sugiyama, the observer of the Tokio Observatory, under the direction of I. Arai, director of the Observatory ans the Chief of the Expedition (titre original)
Bronze Globe. Observatory, Peking (titre original)
Bronze Instrument. Observatory, Peking (titre original)
Observatory, Peking : Bronze Globe (titre original)
Observatoire européen austral de La Silla (Chili) en 1972
Observatory, Peking : Bronze Globe (titre original)
Vue de la coupole (titre forgé)
Isaac Roberts, Maghull Observatory : 20’’ Reflector & 7 inches Refractor (titre original)
Telespectroscope, constructed for the Lick Observatory by J. A. Brashear, Allegheny [Pa., U.S.A.] (titre original)
The Pyranometer, a radiation measuring device, much used by the Astrophysical Observatory […] (titre original)
105 résultats