Harvard Mining School. Plat of the Observatory Grounds of Harvard University, surveyed October 1869 (titre original)
Photographic map of the normal solar spectrum made with the concave grating by prof. H.A. Rowland, Johns Hopkins University. 2nd series, 1888. (titre original)
Observatoire de Harvard : plan des étages. (titre forgé)
Cercle méridien de l’observatoire de Cambridge [Angleterre] (titre original) / [2 images]
Observatoire de Harvard College à Cambridge [Etats-Unis]. Equatorial de 0m38 d’ouverture et 6m70 de distance focale ; cercle méridien de 0m21 d’ouverture et 2m84 de distance focale ; photomètre méridien (titre original)
Photographs of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 19th, 1887, taken at Yomeiji-yama, Echigo, Japan, by M. Sugiyama, the observer of the Tokio Observatory, under the direction of I. Arai, director of the Observatory ans the Chief of the Expedition (titre original)
Observatoire de Harvard College, Cambridge [Etats-Unis]. Photomètre méridien de M. E.C. Pickering (titre original)
Observatoire de Harvard College, Cambridge [Etats-Unis]. Télescope photographique de 0m20 et de 1m15, employé par M. E.C. Pickering pour les photographies de spectres d’étoiles (titre original)
Side View of driving clock of astro-photo Telescope at Sydney (titre original)
Front View of driving clock of astro-photo Telescope at Sydney (titre original)
Photograph of the Corona, taken by Prof. Henry Draper, M.D. during the total eclipse of July 29th 1878 (titre original)
Observatoire de Harvard : élévations (titre forgé)
Observatoire de Harvard : plan de l'instrument des passages (titre forgé)
Observatoire de Harvard : plan du cercle méridien (titre forgé)
Saturn, on the 15th of November 1852, from the drawings of W. S. Jacob, Esq. H.E.I.C. Astronomer, with the Madras Equatorial (titre original)
« Belvedere », the summer-house of Queen Anna in which Tycho Brahe established his provisory observatory at the end of 1600 and where he made some observations [until 1601] (titre original)
Observatoire de Harvard : plan du cercle méridien (titre forgé)
Observatoire de Harvard : plan de l’équatorial de l’ouest (titre forgé)
Observatoire de Harvard : plans de l’anémomètre (titre forgé)
Trois plans de spectroscopes de Trouvelot (titre forgé)
Interior of the Equatorial Room of Professor Henry Draper’s Observatory at Hastings on Hudson, near New York […] showing the 28 inch Silvered Glass Reflector, the 12 inch Achromatic, and the 5 inch Finder (titre original)
Transit of Mercury, November 5 1868 (titre original)
History of my youth
The Great Equatorial Telescope of Lick Observatory (titre original)
Lick Observatory Views : Lick Avenue, A Bit of Landscape (titre original)
Popular lectures on astronomy delivered at the Royal Observatory of Paris
Observatoire du Cap. Zenith telescope in process of reversion (titre original)
Lick Observatory : Elevating Floor of Great Dome [view beneath] (titre original)
Across the Hills and Valleys west of Mt. Hamilton [Lick Observatory] (titre original)
Lick Observatory : General View of Observatory, Peak and Buildings (titre original)
Saturn as seen with a newtonian equatorial of thirteen inches aperture, March 27th and 29th 1856 (titre original)
Photograph of the astro-photo telescope at Sydney in temporary building [January 1891] (titre original)
First Photograph of the Nebula in Orion, taken by Professor Henry Draper, M.D. ; September 30th, 1880, exposure 51 minutes (titre original)
Photograph of the Nebula in Orion, taken by Professor Henry Draper, M.D., March 11th, 1881. Exposure 104 minutes. (titre original)
Photograph of the Nebula in Orion, taken by Professor Henry Draper, M.D., March 14th, 1882. Exposure 137 minutes (titre original)
Finlay’s Comet. Photograph I, 1882 Oct. 19d 15h 45m. Exposure 30m, equivalent focus of lens about 11 inches (titre original)
Finlay’s Comet. Photograph II, 1882 Oct. 20d 15h 30m. Exposure 60m, equivalent focus of lens about 11 inches (titre original)
Spectre solaire (titre forgé), Discovery of Oxygen in the Sun by Photography, by Professor Henry Draper, M.D., 1876 (titre original)
Observatoire du Cap. Siderical clock in the photographic observations, giving electric contacts for control of the driving clock (titre original)
Saturn as seen with a newtonian equatorial of thirteen inches aperture, March 27th and 29th 1856 (titre original) / [2 images]
Trail of meteor which passed through Andromeda 7-30 P. M., January 13, 1893. Photo. by John E. Lewis, Ansonia, Ct. Plate Cramer “Crown”. Harrison lens. (titre original)
ROSSE [Laurence PARSONS, 4e cte de] (titre forgé)
CHALLIS [James] (titre forgé)
ADAMS [John Couch] (titre forgé)
PICKERING [Edward] (titre forgé)
Enterrement de M. Arago au Père Lachaise (titre forgé)
46 résultats